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September 2023

Posted On: October 23, 2023

September 2023

Summer seems to be speeding past and the pace at which people are ‘literally’ flying through our beautiful island is astonishing. With this comes an incredible cosmopolitan flavour and a wide variety of cultures, tastes and dare I say.. amazing personalities! 

As daves, we are very fortunate to be dealing with a vast array of suppliers, staff and customers, both from local and international decent, and accordingly our product ranges, focus on healthy lifestyles and some interesting brands are expanding rapidly to cater to these diverse audiences and myriad lifestyles, whilst (obviously) remaining firmly committed to our Maltese roots and the base that has made us what we are today.

That said, the nature of retail is one of ‘keeping up with the times and leaning into your customer needs’ and as my father used to say… “Nothing progresses without change” – with that, we forge our path into a new era as we continue to deploy new technologies, embrace online shopping, add knowledgeable people to our team and work hard to improve our service levels so your experience with us is more rewarding. 

The traditional shops and supermarkets are facing many harsh realities in this modern world so far consumer behaviour and competition goes, and with everything happening at lightning speed, it’s easy to overlook some important facts about this exciting environment, but we often or continually are reminded of one very important one – we are only here because of the people that support us and for that we are deeply thankful.

Embrace the remainder of the beautiful weather Malta and enjoy this edition of #iffranka, that we have prepared specifically with ‘A taste explosion’ theme and included some great products to see you through the remainder of summer. 


daves Cares about you!